• 10% of the recovery fee
  • More Customers - We help you attract more data recovery customers
  • Better service for your Customers - Personalized service for customer satisfaction and acceptance percentage
  • Lower Pricing - Better pricing for your customers than the bigger recovery companies
  • More Approvals - We get more approved recoveries with our proven sales process and our attention to customer needs

Partner Program


Our Data Recovery Partner Program

We want to help you make more money (while making some ourselves). When you sign up for free, we will contact you to do some on-boarding. We won't take much of your time, but this will help us setup marketing assets in your market to attract more data recovery jobs. We handle all customer interactions and you sit back and collect 10% of the revenue. What could be better?


How We Help YOU

FREE Marketing Resources
FREE Marketing Resources
We do the marketing. We are actively marketing data recovery services around the country, including in your market. We also put landing pages on your site to help bring more data recovery jobs directly to YOU.Don’t worry, it’s non-invasive. You do not have to include this pages in your main menu (unless you want to). We use SEO techniques to rank the pages for key search terms in your area that don’t interfere with your existing customer base.
Revenue Sharing
Revenue Sharing
Partners receive a generous cut of the revenue generated from every data recovery completed.
No Cost to You
No Cost to You
We understand you want an additional revenue source, not another monthly fee. Signing up as a partner is free and allows us to setup marketing solutions in your area for data recovery. We setup everything in a way that minimizes your involvement but maximizes your profits. More money and less work. Now that’s a partnership that works.

Why Partner with Us

Not only do you get paid more when you partner with us, but your customers also have a better experience. We offer a superior level of PERSONALIZED service, we get more APPROVED jobs with our time-proven methods, and we boast a VERY high success rate. Everyone wins.

Personalized Service

Personalized Service

We’ve always believed in offering a high level of personalized service. It’s one of the reasons our customers love us, and also why we have such a high rate of customer approvals for recovery job quotes. We understand data recovery is scary. Whether you’re individual losing family photos or a business losing crucial data, the potential loss of data is scary and emotional. By offering a higher level of personalized customer service, we’re able to better connect with our customers and provide a higher level of service that shows respect and care for the data they have lost. This core company principle keeps our customers happy and our sales high.
20+ Years Experience

20+ Years Experience

We are the exclusive data recovery provided for the University of Miami and UCF. We were also the exclusive provider for CompUSA and TigerDirect chains back in the day. We work with a large number of national chains and enterprise clients regularly to service their data recovery needs. We have been in this business for 20+ years and we can tell you more data recovery stories than you’d care to listen to. You’d get bored listening to us, but you’d be absolutely confident in one thing: we’re data recovery experts and our knowledge is deep.
Better Pricing

Better Pricing

We offer better pricing for your customers. We understand Data Recovery can be an expensive service, so we’ve done our best to price our services in a more affordable range than the most well-known brands in our industry. Pricing a recovery at more than a customer can afford doesn’t help anyone. We offer superior service at a more affordable price.

Why Partner with Us

Not only do you get paid more when you partner with us, but your customers also have a better experience. We offer a superior level of PERSONALIZED service, we get more APPROVED jobs with our time-proven methods, and we boast a VERY high success rate. Everyone wins.

Personalized Service

Personalized Service

We’ve always believed in offering a high level of personalized service. It’s one of the reasons our customers love us, and also why we have such a high rate of customer approvals for recovery job quotes. We understand data recovery is scary. Whether you’re individual losing family photos or a business losing crucial data, the potential loss of data is scary and emotional. By offering a higher level of personalized customer service, we’re able to better connect with our customers and provide a higher level of service that shows respect and care for the data they have lost. This core company principle keeps our customers happy and our sales high.
20+ Years’ Experience

20+ Years’ Experience

We are the exclusive data recovery provided for the University of Miami and UCF. We were also the exclusive provider for CompUSA and TigerDirect chains back in the day. We work with a large number of national chains and enterprise clients regularly to service their data recovery needs. We have been in this business for 20+ years and we can tell you more data recovery stories than you’d care to listen to. You’d get bored listening to us, but you’d be absolutely confident in one thing: we’re data recovery experts and our knowledge is deep.
Better Pricing

Better Pricing

We offer better pricing for your customers. We understand Data Recovery can be an expensive service, so we’ve done our best to price our services in a more affordable range than the most well-known brands in our industry. Pricing a recovery at more than a customer can afford doesn’t help anyone. We offer superior service at a more affordable price.

Question? Reach out!

We established this program by working with real repair shops to figure out what THEY wanted from a partner program. We understand the grind and we understand your needs. If you have any questions at all, don't hesitate to contact us. We want to build a partnership with YOU!

Question? Reach out!

We established this program by working with real repair shops to figure out what THEY wanted from a partner program. We understand the grind and we understand your needs. If you have any questions at all, don't hesitate to contact us. We want to build a partnership with YOU!


Our Client Loves Us

Join Our Partner Program Today

To join our Data Recovery Partner Program is simple. At DataLab, we do not stand on ceremony! Just complete the online application form and that’s all there is. We will treat your clients like ours

(888) 943-8328