Two Drive Raid Five Failure

Two Drive Raid Five failure is not as hopeless as you think. As all data recovery companies will tell you that a Raid 5 with 2 drives out is not recoverable, I say some can be recovered and as much as 80% of the data can be recovered. Certain factors are involved for this type of recovery to be possible. I have recovered a Raid 5 with 2 drives out. Our estimate is that 70 to 80% of the data was recovered.

Most people do not realize how fast a raid can go from a simple problem to a very complex one so they keep trying to get it to work. Then it goes from a one drive failure to a two drive failure or more.

If a raid stops working with one drive out, the problem is more than just the one drive since it is supposed to keep working with one drive missing.
A hardware raid has only been done. o software raid has been done as of yet.

If your raid has failed and you are unsure, give us a call. We will give you free phone evaluation of your options.